Frizzy and I popcorn read this on my couch :) happy new year to you! I also try to steer clear of hard and fast resolutions bc you know they would stress me out more than propel me forward. But I certainly feel very refreshed by the change in the air of Jan. 1.

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Jan 8Author

Omg... the fact that you guys were on my mind last weekend 🥹 New years resolutions are so stressful! How realistic is it to really stick to year-long goals?! Goal-setting can be such an exhilarating process when pressure and expectations are replaced with compassion and excitement. Experimenting w/ that rn. Happy new year to you guys, I hope it’s stress-free and full of open doors and new opportunities 🫶

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Bravo, Tea!! I loved the photos of you and Jacquie :) Are those the plaid pants you bought in Cork? And thanks for the new Spanish vocab :D

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Jan 2Author

Thank you!🤗 Yess the pants from Cork are still alive and thriving! Hope you get to use the Spanish soon <3

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La frase que resumen este post es: "I believe we are eternal students to life". Me gusta esa forma que tienes a través de tu preguntas, despertar ese modo de hacernos cuestionar a nosotros mismo cosas haciéndonos luego descubrirnos con las respuestas.

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wow wow wow what a wonderful essay, Tea! I adore your writing and reflections. I also relate to so many of your travel and life lessons.

Thanks for the new South American Spanish slang (!!), appreciate your notes on love at a distance, health and bonding priorities, also really grateful for the mention of a 12-week year. I've never heard of this before but I'm super curious to look into it.

I'm so in awe of how you've managed to soften your approach to the New Year by integrating all that you've lived and learned through in the last year. 2023 was such a teacher for many of us, it seems. Life is a loving teacher more so when you allow it to be, even in the tough moments away from home and familiarity. I loved the image you used about finding delight in pushing your rock uphill. Yes. This is what makes it worthwhile. Amazing post!!

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Jan 3Author

It really feels so good knowing people relate to my experiences, so I appreciate you Amara for always sharing your insights and interacting with my writing.

Honduras must have taught you some colloquialisms, too! ;) The 12 week year is from a book, but there are sooo many Youtube videos about it and a variety of templates on notion, too!

“Life is a teacher when you allow it to be” exactly!!! We’re guided by our lessons and our ability to accept ourselves as lifelong students.

I hope your new year is full of exciting experiences, creativity, and exploration. Super excited to see where the year takes you Amara! 😊🫶

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